Proficiency in foreign languages varies from ryokan to ryokan. To make a reservation,you are recommended to contact a local travel agent. |
The indicated rate is the weekday price per person based on double occupancy, including taxes and service charges. |
The indicated rate generally, but not always, includes dinner and breakfast. In some cases, it may be for the room only or for the room and breakfast. If in doubt, contact the ryokan concerned. |
Rates are approximate and may vary depending on date, room type, number of guests, accommodation plan, etc. For more details, contact the ryokan concerned. |
Not all ryokan accept credit cards. Check the ryokan’s website for method of payment. |
Room types (Japanese or western), dining facilities (in room or restaurant) and interior decoration (Japanese or western) vary from ryokan to ryokan. Check the ryokan’s website for details. |